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1. Please do not attempt to edit our content without obtaining written permission beforehand.

2. Do not beg the content creators to release items which are either private or not ready for release.

3. Do not pressurise content creators into making things for you.

4. Observe these rules and those in the Discord server.

My (Connor) models use 3D numbers.

If there is a number I haven't included which you'd like for a locomotive feel free to contact me on Discord and I will make that number for you to use.

Again I would appreciate it if you didn't edit my models, and if there are custom features you would like to see for yourself, then you can again contact me on Discord to outline what you would like added.

My models are exported into Trainz: A New Era. They should work in Trainz Railroad Simulator 2019 and upwards, but backwards compatibility is not guaranteed.

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